Alhamdulillah.. 14 mac 2009, 0515 ptg, dengan sekali lafaz i'm officially called Mrs Chung. Syukur sangat.. :) Me n Hubby sama2 sebak. terharu plus gembira. paling terharu bile tgk hubby nangis. OMG.. finally after 3 yrs we started our relationship, we've upgrade that relationship as husband and wife. No words can describe my feeling now. He's the one that i choose to lead me, to share tears and laughter,to share up and down and to be with me forever. i'm lucky to have supportive family and friends (forget bout those ppl that not happy with this relationship, ppl who once i thought they were friends). My hubby is very romantic, he helped me to cook, to wash the dishes (owh, he just know i'm allergic with all the dishwasher liquid), well i guess i'm completely H.A.P.P.Y when he's around, he never fails to amaze and surprised me! i'm loving you more and more everyday. Its just grow stronger everyday.
When people tell you that marriage is beautiful, they don't lie. Marriage is beautiful, full of excitement and happiness.. in marriage, you complete each others. Its true, My hubby completes me.. Now, i'm nothing without him.
Dear Hubby, Thank you for choosing me you become your wife. There's no word to describe how much i love you.
I am happy for both of you !
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