today i woke up slightly late. hehehe. but still manage to arrive at office before 8 and i'm the 1st person to arrive at the office. ahahaha. kewl rite? pening kepala hr ni coz i have to go through all the drawing and the document. not to mention the crazy MYPR. haiyoyoyo. ive been in 3 different department for this financial year and i don't know who r going to defend me this year. DANGG!! so gud luck for me kan. Lunch td we(me,max, nara n mr jazmee) go out to manjung. ahaha best gak jd princess ni. ade abg2 utk jaga. u should thanks them la nnti syg! ehehe. apa2 pon My Zakwan will always be my favorite man! no doubt. eheheh. menang tanpa bertanding.
i miss u much!
Sure2..nnt pon nk lawat sayang i kat sane lah..sambil2 ley kenal2 abang2 yg jage u =) x sabar nk g sane ni..nk makan ikan bakar..macam masa kt UTP...nyum2..anyway,byk2 jage diri ye.u know i always support u, be by ur side, sayang.
Come2. kita boleh blk ipoh. jalan2 JJ mcm good old days. makan meehon tomyam kt bt gajah tu.ummm..byknye leh wat. jgn lupa. mission kali ni cr brang hantaran ye en syg!
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