pagi td all of us(me, max and nara) terlepas tool box meeting. ahaha. but i follow max to the site today and its damn hot there. shoot! ahaha. pusing2 workshop 2 kali sbb cari en jazmie. pastu dh dapat cr en jazmie br pusing2 site. haiyoyo. pening gilakk. abisla daku hitam lps ni. dh la mmg kaler kelabu pon. huhuhu. cmne ni syg? afte ni u hav to treat me with milk bath la. x pon spa? can aar syg? lepas blk dr site, we have meeting with procurement team. byk lg process for instrument so im gonna b very busy after this. bidding still going on.hua hua. lunch td makan together with project team. today ada sorang budak trainee utp dtg sini. so dh ade gang.. yey.
tp she will be here for 3 days only. My Zakwan called just now. 2 more days. ehehehe. **big smile** love you so much hubby. nnti la crita ape activity i last weekend! x larat lg, bz sangat today.
ape2 pon hr ni tgh mode jiwang! ahahaha. jiwang with My Zakwan
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